Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Auditor: Payne Jr. might run for Newark mayor if 'drafted'

As Newark heads toward a brutal election cycle to replace Mayor Cory Booker, three candidates have emerged to battle for the big chair: Councilmen Ras Baraka and Anibal Ramos and former state Assistant Attorney General Shavar Jeffries.

But one man could throw all of their carefully laid plans out the window: U.S. Rep. Donald Payne Jr. (D-10th Dist.).

Payne won a commanding victory when he ran to replace his father, Rep. Donald Payne Sr., who died in office last year. The gig took him away from Newark, where many assumed Payne Jr. would be a lock to succeed Booker.

Despite settling into his role as congressman, Payne indicated last week he may not have given up the ghost on a mayoral run in May.

"I have a job," Payne said when The Auditor inquired about his mayoral ambitions. "But if I get drafted??"

Assembly Speaker Sheila Oliver (D-Essex) may be hoping the draft winds blow Payne?s way. Though running for Senate, she?s rumored to have an eye on Payne?s congressional seat if he steps aside.

A blast from Christie?s past

There was something more interesting about Gov. Chris Christie?s campaign event in Jersey City last week than his endorsement by the Hudson County Building and Construction Trades Council.

It took place at 18 Park ? a luxury building rising in the city?s downtown. One of the job?s two developers: Kushner Real Estate Group.

The company is headed by Murray Kushner, whose feud with his brother, Charles, led to one of Christie?s biggest takedowns as U.S. attorney ? a case one could argue helped put him on a track to the governorship.

In 2001, Murray Kushner sued Charles ? former Gov. Jim McGreevey?s biggest financial backer ? alleging mismanagement and campaign finance irregularities. Christie?s probe led to guilty pleas for cheating on taxes, campaign finance fraud and retaliating against a witness ? his sister ? by setting up her husband with a call girl, taping the encounter and sending it to her.

So was the location of the campaign event just a coincidence?

Christie spokesman Kevin Roberts said the campaign knew Kushner was involved in the project, but there was no coordination. The Auditor did not notice Kushner at the event, and Roberts said he did not think he was there. Kushner Real Estate Group did not return a call for comment.

Buono bonus: Chance to donate to someone else

Have you been getting campaign fundraising e-mails from U.S. Reps. Lois Frankel or Patrick Murphy, Democrats from Florida? It?s probably because you signed up for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Barbara Buono?s campaign e-mail list, and your address was shared.

The Auditor has been getting the e-mails. So has conservative consultant Rick Shaftan, who is advising GOP U.S. Senate candidate Steve Lonegan.

Shaftan, who signs up for e-mail lists with aliases, used the name "Jerome Garcia" to join Buono?s list. Next thing he knew, "Garcia" was getting e-mails from Florida.

"Barbara Buono?s vendor is doing her a disservice," he said. "You work hard, you spend money developing that list. You don?t want to have other people being able to glom off your list."

It?s not clear whether Buono?s campaign shared the list, rented it, traded it or sold it. Her spokesman, David Turner, would only say, "We don?t talk about campaign tactics and strategy."

New political player: Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood will be among the outside groups pumping money into this year?s legislative elections. Last month, the woman?s health organization filed papers with the Internal Revenue Service to form the Planned Parenthood Action Committee of New Jersey, a "527" that can raise unlimited donor money.

"We care a lot about women?s health issues, the right to choose and family planning, so we?ll be involved," Ed Remsen, executive director of the Planned Parenthood Affiliates of New Jersey, told The Auditor

Christie has taken criticism for slashing $7.5 million in funding for Planned Parenthood, a trend among GOP governors who target the group for performing abortions.

Hospital cash for Christie

Add the owners of for-profit Meadowlands Hospital Medical Center in Secaucus to the long list of donors to Christie?s re-election campaign.

On April 11, Anastasia Burlyuk, Richard Lipsky, Pavel Pogodin and Tamara Dunaev each contributed $3,800 ? the maximum allowed ? to Christie?s primary campaign, reports released last week show.

Lipsky, who led a group of investors, MHA Inc., to buy the struggling hospital in 2010, first donated ? to Democratic lawmakers ? in 2006, when he was a surgery center operator. He?s donated nearly $200,000 to campaigns over the past seven years.

Hospital spokesman Benjamin Martin said no one should ascribe motives to the intent behind the donations. "Anyone who recklessly suggests that the Christie administration can be bought with a campaign contribution is either naive or delusional," he wrote in an email.

Meadowlands recently agreed to a state health department suggestion to hire a consultant to map out how it can remain viable.


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