Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Privacy Problem: We Have Met The Enemy And He Is Us

2012-03-05 08.42.07This morning I was ready to bust some heads. I got a text message at about 8:39 from Highlight, the hot new social network thing that will disappear once everyone digests the last of their brisket on the plane ride home from SXSW. The SMS was was pretty innocuous ("Download the app!") but it included a list of 141 phone numbers. Had iOS been able to handle sending messages to 141 people at the same time, I could have made a lot of fun new friends this morning by texting a bunch of ridiculous stuff. More important I was about to rail against Highlight exposing my phone number so egregiously, throwing a few "How dare you"s and "This is mindrape"s into the old cesspool that is modern tech blogging. But then I did some digging.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/l8AbhVIHaBw/

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