Wednesday, January 11, 2012

UK News: PM and Miliband unite to back Union

The leaders of the two main Westminster parties have joined together in the House of Commons in pledging to fight for Scotland to remain part of the United Kingdom.

Prime Minister David Cameron said he was "passionately" in favour of the preservation of the Union and "sad" that the question of independence had been raised, but was ready to work with the Scottish Government to ensure that a "legal, fair and decisive" referendum can take place.

He said he was "100%" in agreement on the issue with Labour leader Ed Miliband, who told MPs that Scotland and the rest of the UK were "stronger together and weaker apart".

Mr Miliband called on supporters of the Union to make a positive case for its continuation, warning the Commons: "This is a momentous decision which our children and grandchildren will have to live with if we get it wrong."

The display of unity at Prime Minister's Questions came a day after Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond announced a preferred date of autumn 2014 for the independence referendum.

The First Minister told Westminster politicians to "butt out" of the debate over the timing and format of the referendum, following the UK Government's publication on Tuesday of a paper which argued that the Holyrood Parliament has no power to call a poll.

The consultation paper proposed that the Westminster Parliament could make an order to devolve power to Holyrood to stage a ballot on the single question of independence, which could take place within the next 18 months.

However Scottish National Party MP Angus Robertson accused Mr Cameron of following in the footsteps of Margaret Thatcher by seeking to dictate to Scotland. He told MPs: "The Scottish Government was elected with an overwhelming mandate to deliver an independence referendum in the second half of the parliamentary term.

"In contrast the Conservative Party has less Members of Parliament (in Scotland) than there are giant pandas in Edinburgh Zoo. So why is the Prime Minister trying to emulate Margaret Thatcher by dictating to Scotland?"

Mr Cameron said it was "quite the opposite" as the Government was offering Scotland the power to hold a legal referendum. He added: "Right across this House there is uniform belief that that needs to happen."


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