Wednesday, January 18, 2012

[OOC] Relationships

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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
Oh Here you will be posting your Relationships with characters. Update it regularly!

Acquaintance~ Someone you have learned their names but you wouldn't technically hang out with them yet. You have just really met them

Friend~ Someone you have met long enough to want to hang out with again.

Best Friend
~ You have known them for a while or just enjoy their company to the fullest. You would hang out with them almost every moment you could.

Enemy~ Someone you can't stand. They upset you and just anger you.

Crush~ Someone that you have known or haven't that you have a liking too.

Boyfriend/Girlfriend~ Someone you like and have known for a while. You hang out all the time and go out on dates and kiss and hug.

Just because someone has you as one of these things doesn't mean you have to too.

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? Reality ?
Member for 1 years

Watashi Ni Kisu

Ito Akaiumi

Yuina Takudo

Shingo Ury?

Kasumi Ray

Yoshizawa Hiro

Breanna Johnson

Ichiigo Mizuka

Remember even if you aren't acquaintances you can have still have someone as an enemy or crush. Nothing else though

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? Reality ?
Member for 1 years

Yoshizawa Hiro

Watashi Ni Kisu

Ito Akaiumi

Yuina Takudo

Shingo Ury?

Kasumi Ray

Breanna Johnson

Ichiigo Mizuka

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Member for 2 years

Ito Akaiumi
Yoshizawa Hiro
Breanna Johnson
Watashi ni Kisu
Ichiigo Mizuka
Kasumi Ray
Yuina Takudo
Shingo Uryu

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Member for 1 years

Breanna Johnson

Ito Akaiumi
Yoshizawa Hiro
Breanna Johnson
Watashi ni Kisu
Ichiigo Mizuka
Kasumi Ray
Yuina Takudo
Shingo Uryu

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Member for 3 years

Ichiigo Mizuka

Shingo Uryu
Yoshizawa Hiro
Kasumi Ray
Watashi ni Kisu
Yuina Takudo
Breanna Johnson
Ito Akaiumi

"There comes a time in everyone's life when they've got to put their foot down for what they believe in. This was one of those times" Ronnie Jackson in "The Rise of Ambreose"

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Member for 2 years

Kasumi Ray

Shingo Uryu

Yoshizawa Hiro

Watashi ni Kisu

Yuina Takudo

Breanna Johnson

Ito Akaiumi

Ichiigo Mizuka

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