Thursday, December 13, 2012

Talent and Social Business: Tweets from yesterday's National HRD ...

If you missed the seminar, don't worry :) Here is the archived set of tweets, Storify'd for you :)

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Storified by Gautam Ghosh ? Tue, Dec 11 2012 09:15:47

Very relevant point from @Anand__Pillai: in the netowrked world, hierarchy and position has no meaning. It's about influence. +1. #sm4hrSahana Chattopadhyay

youtube can be a key tool to build employer brand, says @rajivdingra #sm4hrGautam Ghosh

60% of job seekers are only on facebook #india #sm4hrGautam Ghosh

Linkage of internal recognition to a social media platform seems like simple way to create a point of pride. #sm4hrHimnit

Me too!! @_Kavi: The passion with which @Sarangbrahme shares details of the program, makes me want to look up CapGemini on FB! #sm4hr"nisha manglani

@Sarangbrahme talking at the @nhrdmumbai #sm4hr #socialmedia Kamdar

#sarang says it is important for HR to partner with Marketing teams for an effective social media strategy #sm4hrMohammed Lokhandwala

The passion with which @Sarangbrahme shares details of the program, makes me want to look up CapGemini on FB! #sm4hrKavi

Have followed @Anand__Pillai @Sarangbrahme @GautamGhosh got to hear them for d first time...truly amazing!! #sm4hrnisha manglani

@Sarangbrahme talking about sites like Quora and Delicious, the world's leading social bookmarking service. #sm4hr #socialmediaKunjal Kamdar

@_Kavi I liked the term too. Interesting. Sentiment analysis is a good way to gauge engagement. @Sarangbrahme #sm4hrSahana Chattopadhyay

Key takeaways today: a) 4 C's by @rajivdingra Content, Connection, Conversation & Collaboration. b) create chaos in the organisation.#sm4hrMohammed Lokhandwala

@Sarangbrahme sharing his experience with @TechGig #sm4hr #socialmediaKunjal Kamdar

@Sarangbrahme speaks about Moodometer ! Gives me ideas. Hmm! #sm4hrKavi

Can you come with a moodometer for your employee? Interesting!! #sm4hrnisha manglani

@Sarangbrahme asks "As an HR can you create a Mood-O-Meter for your employees" #sm4hr #socialmediaKunjal Kamdar

Enjoyed listening to @rajivdingra / @GautamGhosh / #himanshu / #indraneel at #sm4hrMohammed Lokhandwala

@Sarangbrahme ask if your company has the right platform where they can engage with your audience. #sm4hr #socialmediaKunjal Kamdar

Loved the simple model of types of commitment - emotional for extra efforts, rational for retention. #sm4hrHimnit

@Sarangbrahme talks about the change in communication. #sm4hr #socialmediaKunjal Kamdar

Why ppl are confusing digital media with social media. Their are other media's besides digital to be social #sm4hrSandeep Kaul

Vision cascading via fb. Are companies serious...hmmm. #sm4hrSandeep Kaul

Note to Myself : whatever data on social media adoption you are going to share, Its already been shared ! #sm4hrKavi

3 speakers talking about the same radio vs facebook penetration numbers..give me a break! #sm4hrMohammed Lokhandwala

ZMOT - Zero Moment Of Truth,book recco by MD of Kelly Services, Kamal Karanth. A book for me to lookup. #sm4hrKavi

HR doesn't even sneeze without a framework. :) #lol #sm4hrHimnit

Either you are connected; or you are asleep. #sm4hr #GenTHimnit

Social technology can be successfully used to connect globally distributed employees working in isolation. #sm4hrSahana Chattopadhyay

It is about making business social.Mr Hareeshh at #sm4hrSujata Ramani

The onus must be in creating chaos in the org. Order / structure would emerge from it! #sm4hr H.TibrewalaKavi

Mr Hareesh says "We need to learn to tap the collective intelligence of the internal communities. @socwav #sm4hr #socialmediaKunjal Kamdar

FB is chaos. But groups & pages are the ones that create order within chaos. #sm4hrKavi

Time for Hareesh Tibrewala, CEO, Social Wavelength @socwav to share his views about #socialmedia #sm4hrKunjal Kamdar

This online TATA HR community is intriguing. Looks good! @GautamGhosh do you know what product is this #sm4hrKavi

@_Kavi #sm4hr seems like a inhouse tool built from scratchGautam Ghosh

The Tata grop connected its 3300+ HR employees via #social technology to enable knowledge sharing, industry practices, communication. #sm4hrSahana Chattopadhyay

In today's distributed workplaces and team driven projects, collab is inevitable to get work done. #some is just a facilitator. #gtd #sm4hrSahana Chattopadhyay

11 vibrant HR online communities within the TATA fold! Says Colin Mendes #sm4hrKavi

Times they are a changin' and people talking w/o listening is no longer cool. Paraphrased frm indraneel Ganguli. #sm4hrSahana Chattopadhyay

Indranil Ganguli reaffirms my belief. Email can be made redundant to a very large extent. It's time. #sm4hrHimnit

Once the purpose is clear, everything else falls in place. From Indraneel Ganguli. True. #sm4hrSahana Chattopadhyay

Indraneel Ganguli, Sr VP Marketing & Communications of Mahindra Satyam talking about how they used #socialmedia to bounce back. #sm4hrKunjal Kamdar

"HR doesn't even sneeze without a framework" - Indraneel Banerjee #sm4hr :) :)Kavi

If you know your purpose, you'll figure out a way to handle Social Media - Indraneel Banerjee #sm4hrKavi

the Tata group formed 11 HR communities linked 3300+ HR professionals #sm4hrGautam Ghosh

Gen Y is really Gen Why ! For they ask a lot of questions. Says Himanshu Goel from IBM #sm4hrKavi

Just finished panel session #sm4hr with @GautamGhosh, @KSudeep. Wonderful Insights from both & great interaction with audience via #twitterAnand Pillai

#sm4hr- excellent idea of gathering questions especially since the session focusses on social media. Pratixha Narkar

@GautamGhosh highlights imp point: L&D folks don't need 2 be content creators but curators. & perhaps help people develop PKM skills. #sm4hrSahana Chattopadhyay

@GautamGhosh talking about how Coursera is evolving careers and how they are into providing training sessions.. FREE #sm4hrKunjal Kamdar

HR leaders have to lead the talk and be part of the conversation! Says @Anand__Pillai #sm4hrKavi

@Anand__Pillai says either be part of the conversation or be the conversation. #sm4hrKunjal Kamdar

@GautamGhosh describes Glassdoor as a platform of radical transparency. also one where orgs build their brand thru engaged emplyees. #sm4hrSahana Chattopadhyay

@GautamGhosh suggests the audience to visit Glassdoor. I agree. Its a must to find about reviews and feedback abt ur company #sm4hrKunjal Kamdar

@ksudeep 's outlining of the Social Media eco system for TCS engaging present/past/future employees! Future looks good #sm4hrKavi

@Anand__Pillai talks about collaborative authoring in the manufacturing context. blogging. knowledge capture + experience sharing. #sm4hrSahana Chattopadhyay

Very well said @Anand__Pillai people follow you not for the position you hold, but for the person you are! #sm4hrshital jhaveri

@GautamGhosh sharing the story of how #HUL got into the concept of Reverse Mentoring for his Sr Leadership. #sm4hrKunjal Kamdar

@karthik_perumal is quoted as a reverse mentor in Unilever by @GautamGhosh ! #sm4hr Nice!!Kavi

@Anand__Pillai says people follow you coz of ur title. But then they follow you coz of YOU. Quoting 5 levels of #leadership #sm4hrKunjal Kamdar

@Ksudeep used a key word in today's context: facilitator. Leaders and managers have to be facilitators. Not commanders. #sm4hrSahana Chattopadhyay

@Anand__Pillai speaks about the position vs person leadership spectrum! A true leader is one who influences, in the modern day world! #sm4hrKavi

60% of job seekers are only on facebook #india #sm4hr? ???????? ?

Very relevant point from @Anand__Pillai: in the netowrked world, hierarchy and position has no meaning. It's about influence. +1. #sm4hrSahana Chattopadhyay

@GautamGhosh says people chose to follow you on twitter. #sm4hrKunjal Kamdar

@GautamGhosh quotes @rossdawson ! How appropriate for something like SM for innovation! #sm4hrKavi

@GautamGhosh talks about how IBM and CTS encourage internal #blogging and how info is being shared within the company. #sm4hrKunjal Kamdar

Dell offers Social Media strategy services to its customers says @GautamGhosh ! Didn't know that! #sm4hrKavi

@GautamGhosh talking about DELL HELL story. How things can go wrong on Social Media and how can you overcome it. #sm4hrKunjal Kamdar

Linking the ecosystem within and outside an org via social technology to build a social business. paraphrasing @GautamGhosh #sm4hrSahana Chattopadhyay

@Anand__Pillai @GautamGhosh never been able to convince myself on Klout as benchmark for SM measure! what are your 3 reasons for it? #sm4hrKavi

People who blogged internally stayed longer in orgs. In Cognizants case : by as much as 3 years. Insightful inputs from @GautamGhosh #sm4hrKavi

@GautamGhosh talking abt how Capgemini uses #Yammer @Sarangbrahme #sm4hrKunjal Kamdar

Use internal social networks to build/create a work aloud culture. Activity stream. Serendipity. Knowledge sharing. #sm4hr #nhrdnSahana Chattopadhyay

Ah finally! The distinct between an internal social network & the FBs of the world! That is something we need to delve more on! #sm4hrKavi

@GautamGhosh says that early adopters try to bring in innovation into the organization. #sm4hrKunjal Kamdar

@GautamGhosh talking abt changing embedded bahaviors to embrace the connected, networked world. paraphased. #sm4hr #nhrdnSahana Chattopadhyay

Where do you see culture of innovation going beyond social media and how can organizations be future ready? #sm4hrValentine Sequeira

Thank you @Anand__Pillai for the mention! If we have a few more HR practitioners take to twitter, this conf would be a success! #sm4hrKavi

Transparency is key when it comes to Campus Connect programs. Agree with @ksudeep ! It applies to life as well! #sm4hrKavi

Interesting stuff done by #TCS as part of its Campus Connect program..#sm4hr Ksudeep talking about it..Mohammed Lokhandwala

@ksudeep shares interesting stuff from TCS's campus connect platform! Good stuff! #sm4hrKavi

Excellent point by @Anand__Pillai . We can search conversations on Twitter ie Structured Collaborations. #sm4hrKunjal Kamdar

@ksudeep what's your views on engaging with ex-employees 4 your employee branding since India firms have hi attrition rate #sm4hrSandeep Kaul

From @Anand__Pillai: SoMe is not abt # of followers or RTs. It's abt buiilding conversatins/collaboraiton. +1 #sm4hrSahana Chattopadhyay

Structured Collaboration X Reach = Innovation says @Anand__Pillai #sm4hrKavi

The next stage is getting into structured collaboration using social media. Says @Anand__Pillai #sm4hrKavi

@Anand__Pillai talking about how many people are building a conversation. Its not just about retweeting. #sm4hrKunjal Kamdar

Until now we have used only one dimension of social media : reach. That stage is gone! Says @Anand__Pillai #sm4hrKavi

Like @Anand__Pillai's self deprecating humourous style of delivery with good insights. Nice, lively touch to the seminar. #sm4hrSahana Chattopadhyay

Use of SoMe will not be restricted to desktops. Smartphones are here. Orgs banning #some use are on a futile path. #sm4hrSahana Chattopadhyay

More than 7 out of 10 Internet users are on at least one social media. #sm4hrSahana Chattopadhyay

Twetable quote says @Anand__Pillai "In todays world none of us can have a private life' #sm4hrKavi

@Anand__Pillai talking abt how stuff like an active blog, # of twitter followers, etc. soon becoming patterns of filtering recruits. #sm4hrSahana Chattopadhyay

The panelists session abt to begin here at #sm4hr with @GautamGhosh, @Anand__Pillai and K Sudeep chairing. Qs invited via #twitter.Sahana Chattopadhyay

Great work @Anand__Pillai to introduce #sm4hr ! Now there will be some conversation too! :)Kavi

Excellent talk by @rajivdingra #sm4hrnisha manglani

@rajivdingra talking about four C's - Content, Conversations, collaboration and Connections. #sm4hrKunjal Kamdar

@rajivdingra says 9-11pm is Prime Time for Facebook Users... #sm4hr @nhrdmumbai #fbKunjal Kamdar

@rajivdingra talking about the Power of Youtube and how Companies can make the most of it. #sm4hrKunjal Kamdar

Indian Twitter users account for 3% of the global total. Interesting. #sm4hrSahana Chattopadhyay

youtube can be a key tool to build employer brand, says @rajivdingra #sm4hrGautam Ghosh

Excellent point made by @rajivdingra about SM being just another medium to create Employer Brand. #sm4hrKunjal Kamdar

Brands can't broadcast anymore. Have to be ready to engage, converse and LISTEN. Paraphrasing Rajiv Dingra #sm4hr #communicationSahana Chattopadhyay

Nice overview frm Ranajn Sinha of MyParichay on the evolution of FB and its role in the future of social recruiting. #like #sm4hrSahana Chattopadhyay

Here we go.. 38% of Jobseekers have their boss as a friend on Facebook... #sm4hr #fbKunjal Kamdar

Survey says 65% of folks likely to use FB over LinkedIn for the next job search. #sm4hr #recruitingSahana Chattopadhyay

65% of jobseekers are likely to use FB over LinkedIN for their new job. #sm4hr #fbKunjal Kamdar

80% of LinkedIn users on FB and only 30% of FB users on LinkedIn. #sm4hr #india. Interesting data for recruiting.Sahana Chattopadhyay

60% of job seekers are only on facebook #india #sm4hrGautam Ghosh

Interesting data: FB has more job seekers of prime hiring age than Nuakri and LinkedIn in India. Ignoring FB isn't an option. #sm4hrSahana Chattopadhyay

For recruiters War Room is all about meetings, numbers, weekend drives... :) #sm4hr @anshumancg @SarangbrahmeKunjal Kamdar

the Mahindra War Room facebook page looks interesting #sm4hrGautam Ghosh

Prince Augiustin talking about @mahindrarise experience. @nhrdmumbai #sm4hrKunjal Kamdar

Mahindra HR guy talks about how @mahindrarise impacted employer brand #sm4hrGautam Ghosh


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