Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Farrah Abraham: James Deen Exploited Me, Doesn't Respect Women, Has Small Junk


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Turn a Printed Page Into a Touchscreen With This Brilliant Concept

Realizing that the oft-promised 'paperless office' may never actually come to fruition, researchers at Fujitsu are working on a backup plan that gives printed documents similar tablet-like touchscreen functionality. More »

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/wfxrvj3npjU/turn-a-printed-page-into-a-touchscreen-with-this-brilliant-concept

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Karlie Kloss' MTV Movie Awards Red-Carpet Gig, In Her Own Words

'It was fun to interview Snoop — how many people get to do that?' supermodel says of her first time as pre-show correspondent.
By Karlie Kloss

Karlie Kloss at the 2013 MTV Movie Awards
Photo: Jeff Kravitz/ FilmMagic

Source: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1705668/karlie-kloss-red-carpet-movie-awards.jhtml

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Monday, April 15, 2013

Commercial Law in the Legal Academy - Credit Slips

Brian Leiter's been running a poll about what areas of law and legal study deserve more attention from the legal academy. I was rather surprised by the choices in the poll: areas that I've always thought are well-covered like family law are included, while commercial law isn't even on the list. (One might express similar surprise about bankruptcy, which is a related, but distinct field, but that's another matter.) The poll includes "consumer law," but that's a pretty different area, as a lot of commercial law is about business-to-business transactions. ??

While many of us on this blog teach commercial law courses and write on areas touching commercial law (secured credit informs all our work), there really aren't very many people actively writing in the classical commercial law areas of sales, payments, and secured lending or even in commercial finance more broadly. Larry Garvin's written a whole article about this.

Maybe Brian's perspective is shaped by having taught at two schools (Texas and Chicago) that are unusually well stocked with people writing in commercial law and related areas. And perhaps commercial law is getting (very wrongly) lumped together with corporate law. (Does anyone even mention Delaware in commercial law classes? And does anyone mention the ALI or ULC in corporate law classes?) I have certainly observed a tendency among my colleagues writing in other areas to lump all business law classes together under the rubric of "corporate law". This is sort of like lumping admin and fed courts together.?

My sense is that the decline of academic commercial law is partially responsible for some of the astounding confusion regarding what is required to foreclose and the interplay between UCC Article 3, Article 9, real estate recordation, and MERS (an ersatz UCC Aritcle 8 attempt). Commercial law classes used to be standard law school courses. They're not any more at many schools, not least to the supply of academics working in the area, and that may be having real consequences for our legal system. ??

Source: http://www.creditslips.org/creditslips/2013/04/commercial-law-in-the-legal-academy.html

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Local police grapple with response to cybercrimes

WASHINGTON (AP) ? If a purse with $900 is stolen, the victim probably would call the police. If a computer hacker steals $900 from that same person's bank account, what then? Call the police? Could they even help?

As it is now, local police don't have widespread know-how to investigate cybercrimes. They rely heavily on the expertise of the federal government, which focuses on large, often international cybercrimes.

What's missing is the first response role, typically the preserve of local police departments that respond to calls for help from individuals and communities.

Obama administration officials have said that cyberterrorism is the leading worldwide threat to national security. So far, the discussion about such threats and security has focused on breaking classified foreign government codes, monitoring overseas communications and protecting the U.S. from devastating attacks that could jeopardize massive amounts of data and valuable corporate trade secrets.

It's been about businesses protecting their networks and individuals using the Internet safely, for instance, by choosing smart passwords.

But when one person hacks into someone else's computer to access a bank account, credit cards or even email, the crime fighting path is uncertain.

"I am not sure who owns cybercrime at the local level. And that is a problem," said Chuck Wexler, executive director of the Police Executive Research Forum.

Local police departments are looking to boost their expertise so they can respond to cybercrimes and cyberthreats that are expected to only get worse.

The hypothetical victim who had $900 stolen from the bank account should call the police, and the police should document the theft in a report, said Darrel Stephens, executive director of the Major City Chiefs Association, which represents police chiefs in major U.S. metropolitan areas.

"What they can do after that gets very complicated," Stephens said.

For instance, police departments work within jurisdictions, but cybercrime knows no boundaries.

"The victim may live in one place, their bank is in another jurisdiction and the person that committed the theft could be anywhere in the world," Stephens said.

Then there's the matter of determining who the victim is.

Most banks and credit card companies typically replace the accountholder's stolen funds, he said, which makes the banks and credit companies the victims of the theft.

"Most local police do not have the capacity to investigate these cases even if they have jurisdiction," Stephens said.

Further complicating the issue is that the response to a cyberoffense is not the same as the response to a physical offense such as a burglary.

When someone's home is burglarized, the homeowner doesn't usually repair the broken window, clean up the crime scene and then call the police. But in cases such as network intrusions, the victim's first goal typically is intended to get the network restored and working again. In doing this, initial crime scene evidence may be sacrificed, complicating an investigation down the road.

"Police will need to become more equipped to deal with cybercrime in the future," Stephens said. "Most major cities have a limited capability, but more will be required."

Bart Johnson, executive director of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, said police need to have a better understanding of what a cyberthreat is and how to address it. Johnson said his organization has been working with the FBI and Homeland Security Department since December to confront these issues.

"The unfortunate thing is that law enforcement at a state and local level are not fully apprised of the threat, who the actors are," said Johnson. The FBI and Secret Service have the capabilities to address this, he said, but more expertise is needed at the local level.

The Secret Service has trained some 1,400 state and local law enforcement officers on cybercrimes since the agency began the education program in 2008, said Hugh Dunleavy, deputy assistant director of the Secret Service, which specializes in investigating such crimes. But the demand for training is greater than the agency can provide, he said.

Some local police officers may participate on some task forces with the FBI, Secret Service and other federal agencies, but the cases typically are those with international components and involve millions of dollars.

Mike Sena, president of the National Fusion Center Association, an organization that represents state and local intelligence centers around the country, recalled a case in which a California business was the victim of a cybercrime and lost $40,000. Sena said the theft wasn't great enough for the federal government to take up the investigation, and there was confusion about where to turn at the local level.

"The FBI and Secret Service are looking at just large amounts of thefts. Who takes care of that lower tier," Sena said.

Several current task forces coordinate with local law enforcement on cyberissues, and the federal government offers some guidance for where to turn, depending on the incident and depending on who is asked.

According to the Justice Department, if a computer is hacked, you can call your local FBI office or the Secret Service or the Internet Crime Complaint Center, which is run by the FBI and the nonprofit National White Collar Crime Center.

For Internet fraud and spam, you can call your local FBI office, the Secret Service, or file an online complaint with the Federal Trade Commission or the Securities and Exchange Commission. There are also Secret Service-led Electronic Crimes Task Forces in 29 cities, and they regularly work with state and local law enforcement.

But figuring out which task force or which federal investigative agency to turn to can be a challenge. Not everyone will have the expertise to know what time of crime occurred so that the right agency can be contacted, said Shawn Henry, former top cybercop at the FBI and currently president of CrowdStrike Services, a security technology company.

That leaves few options for a victim of a cybercrime whose loss would be considered small by the federal government but crippling to the individual or small business.

"Right now there's such a level of confusion on where to push the information," Sena said.

Dunleavy said he is confident that local law enforcement at least knows who to call, but there is a need for more training.

"The general public is going to call who they know the best," Dunleavy said. "They're going to call the police officer that they see on a daily basis for response."


Follow Eileen Sullivan on Twitter: http://twitter.com/esullivanap

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/local-police-grapple-response-cybercrimes-121205062.html

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Sunday, April 14, 2013


..and I would like to tell you a few things about myself. It is in hope that I can finally find someone to communicate with. Bare with me.. this may get long.

First off, I shall be known as July. It's my recent internet alias, though I have had many. The history for now can be spared, but some of it will be useful later in this post. I always felt that writing a lengthy introduction was a direly essential need. Why? I need to explain exactly what I am doing here.. it becomes less stressful for everyone. I seem harsh and edgy, but that's just the fatigue of scouring the internet for several weeks.. looking for just the right person or people to play with.

Enough with my silly introductory antics. Cutting to the chase:
I am a girl with quite a lot of free time as of late. I am in China for personal reasons until around mid July of this year.. giving me plenty of free-time to do absolutely whatever I like. The issue? The time zones do not align well with the English-speaking world. As I write this however, it is nearly midnight in China. I am GMT+8 here, and if you're in PST for example.. that is exactly 12 hours behind me I believe. Inconvenient. I have had tremendous trouble finding people of my age-group (I'm 23) to spend good quality, enjoyable and free-form role-playing time with. Note: I define 'Free-form' as not so strict, allowing for mistakes as I am not a perfectionist.. and generically rule-less as I don't mind intense, epic or seemingly over-powered situations (as you will see in my later description of my desired settings as of late) so, in that way I call this 'free-form' role-playing.


I love writing, though I find that I am perhaps barely mediocre at it. I draw my rhetoric from a man named Hirasawa Susumu who writes beautiful music. I could go on for days about his styles, though it is suffice to say he uses the full-extent of the Japanese language to describe visually opulent scenes of nature, hard-work, human crisis and other themes. He is some-what a 'fantasy' writer in that he can write about dystopian or utopian situations, human struggle and the like.. and yet make a strangely mystical feel to it all. It is nearly impossible for me to place a genre on this man's writing and I can only suggest to hear and read his lyrics.. though unless you find English translations the man writes only in Japanese or in his own made-up languages (which clearly need no translation). Taking him as my inspiration, I tend to write with as much detail as I can imagine in a very small amount of space to create a discrete, concise explanation of surroundings, actions and et cetera. I want my reader to feel, imagine and know my words as a concrete reality .. though I cannot write incredibly long explanations in my work. As I love reading, I take enjoyment in books written by Ryuunosuke Akutagawa, Natsume Souseki, Yume Makurabaku and many others. I have discussed a lot of Japanese men in this post, so I may as well say that I am level N1(Highest level of Japanese Language Proficiency) with the Japanese language, as I studied in Japan for 1 year and took Japanese for a total of 4 college years. My degree is a type of Intercultural Communications focused on East Asian societies. I am well versed in the topic of 'globalization' as well, and I enjoy discussions of cultural/sociological matter.. as my degree relies heavily on the social sciences as one of it's 3 main categories of study. I would also like to note that this is not some kind of "bragging" which I have somehow been accused of on other websites (do not ask me why, childish things really) so I have gotten that out of the way early. You may contact me outside of role-playing if you feel your conversational interests would converge with mine as well, I am very friendly. Other hobbies I have include wood carving (particularly Japanese Noh masks) and RPG gaming, sometimes working with computers though I am not that amazing at it (I know a little about programming here and there, and some other functionality) as well as cooking and visiting science/history museums.

Let's step forward into the role-playing part.

I know that I have already practically written an essay here but this is very, very important to me. I am hugely interested in a variety of role-playing styles, settings and character types.. though to be more specific I will grant a few examples into existence below:

Settings I will usually be okay with: Medieval, Fantasy, Space-age/Sci-Fi, Fairy-tale(ish)
The settings I currently really want to play: Fantasy/Medieval

Styles of Role-playing I have used: Multiple Paragraph, Semi-Paragraph, One-liner.. pretty much any size..
Styles I prefer most: Usually semi.. multi is okay but I get tired, and one-liner is the same as Multi.

Media I have used to role-play: Forum posting, IRC, Skype(no voice/video), MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, Various websites via their 'messaging' systems, inside of video games(Ragnarok Online, Minecraft, Guild Wars, Tried to role-play on my own with Oblivion and Skyrim as well as Fallout New Vegas but those are not fun.. Tried Illarion and some other sandbox games that didn't work out so well for me because I could never just get to the story I wanted..)

Character Types I have played: Human[Mage, Warrior, Blacksmith, Necromancer type thing, Monk type thing, pirate, high profile assassin/sniper, medieval Queen], Elf/Half-Fairy[Special types of magic unique to my roleplay.. for example, being able to see and eventually control other's dreams, Archer type of thing, Witch type of Queen/magic user..]

Note: I have played both good and evil character roles, and I am generically fine with both.. even fine with reallllly neutral people too.

That being said, I want to say in combination with my currently desired setting.. that I would like to play a character I have been working on for a while. She is generically adaptable into any scheme that allows for half-fairy or elven creatures.. though my idea of half-fairy is basically like fairy only human-sized. I am currently obsessed with the beauty of these creatures and their mysticism. I want to create this 'July' persona who is basically a human-sized fairy who is adaptable into most fantasy worlds, though I would like to run her with a partner character or a group. In my personal and original idea for this character, she has some usually game-breaking desires.. for example, she wishes to kill a god (she is not inherently evil, though depending on role-play and group she can become either benevolent or evil) and either become a demi-god of some kind, or have use for her incredibly illusion-based magics (she doesn't care about dealing physical damage so much as dominating and enslaving her opponent to their own fears much like the Guild Wars mesmer. Fairies tend to have this mischievous attitude.. and that is why I designed the idea that she is much like 'Paprika' from the movie "Paprika" which has a character who can jump into/out of dreams of others freely, et cetera. (Now you realize what I meant earlier by not minding over-powered characters)

Of course, this kind of character is usually considered incredibly over-powered.. though if I could find a group who played similarly to her powers I would really love to enact the real ideal and potential of her. If not, however.. I will tune her down or make her reasonable for any given story or role-play so long as it seems appealing to me and those involved desire my character to join/are interested.

Another note I must make: I am not so interested in erotic role-play. I am not AFRAID to play that stuff out, if it legitimately comes to be some-how, but I do not want to start a role-play for the sole purpose of erotic adventures. Sorry in advance.

I am now going to quickly describe a few archetypes I have created before for characters:

Name: July Ashheart
Race: Human
Age: 25
Profession: Blacksmith
Description: Essentially the daughter of a very average blacksmith and his tailor wife.. she strives to best her father in his own craft. She sees how dedicated and passionate her father is about his work, and even so there is something missing(skill, to assume) so that his work is merely average. She studies under him until she is old enough to leave and attempt to find the secrets in the world for smithing with her father's passion to create more-than-mediocre goods. There's other bits of story, such as her dream to own her own smithy and be at least trusted and relied upon for her work.. et cetera. Other than that, a very standard character shell.

Name: Anya
Race: Human
Age: 29
Profession: High Profile Assassin
Description: Used for a D20 modern game, this character was a bit stereotypically sold to flesh-merchants at a young age to grow up as a gun-runner and then got involved in mercenary killings before finally evolving into a high-profile assassin silenced-sniper sort of Russian gal. She worked in a piracy game set up for space-terrorism and such.

Name: July
Race: Half-fairy
Age: Never decided
Profession: Pirate~?
Description: To put it simply, July in this game was a half-fairy illusionist(the type of magic) of some unimportant kingdom before being recruited to fulfill her desires (basically adventuring and such, what piracy offers) by joining a captain's crew. She and the captain developed a very good business connection like partners and worked quite hard as July's attitude developed to be that of a somewhat evil, mischievous pirate. In this game, July had the fairy-based power of being able to see into people's dreams and she would eventually use it to terrorize her captain's prisoners and enemies. As time progressed, her captain and her discuss what they will do-- create a humongous floating city out of ships and rule the seas from it. There is no "love" so to speak between the captain and July.. simply a very good partner feeling. They drink together quite often and eventually they set out to literally kill the god of the sea and the god of the air (the captain and July's kills respectively) ... and after killing those gods they reign as king and queen of the seas. Of course, this was not the end of July's story.. because her kingdom would not be the most powerful kingdom in the world.. though they did command the seas. That kind of idea.

So, those are some of my most recent characters.. but I have plenty more from a long time ago that I am too lazy to explain. Plus, who wants to read all of that anyway in an introduction?

Now.. I wrote all of this out in my introduction because I am interested in seeing who likes the ideas I have given.. and who would like to be my friend. I use Skype and MSN to chat (not voice or webcam, sorry but that's not my thing) and discuss all kinds of things.. and am willing to join/look for role-plays on this website if they will accept the kinds of characters I have in mind. If you are reading this and really like anything you have seen, please feel free to add my MSN [spoiler]julyashheart@hotmail.com[/spoiler] in the spoiler tag, or private message me/contact me somehow on here. That MSN is a functional e-mail as well, in case you cannot contact me otherwise.

I am sincerely interested in making role-playing partners.. so please let this be my last stop on the internet.. please allow this website to solve the crazy alone feeling I feel scouring the internet for friends who are interested in playing with me. The main problem has been that when I meet people they can never be on when I am on due to the time-zone issue.. so people who absolutely no life like me are amazing godsends right now.

This sentence will conclude my introduction.. so I am pleased to meet all of you, and hope my stay here will be long and fulfilling.

Sincerely, July.

Source: http://feeds.feedburner.com/RolePlayGateway

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Hague war crimes court investigating own staffer

AMSTERDAM (AP) ? The International Criminal Court in The Hague has opened a formal investigation into allegations by four people who say they were subjected to sexual abuse by a court staff member working in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The war crimes court said Friday it is "profoundly concerned by these grave allegations" and had taken steps to protect the alleged victims. It said the investigation was aimed at "establishing the facts underlying the allegations and fairly determining any possible responsibilities."

It is not clear whether the allegations will lead to a prosecution, and if so, where it would take place. The court said it would turn the inquiry's findings over to ICC "judges and relevant parties to the proceedings concerned" ? presumably meaning legal authorities in Congo.

The Coalition for the ICC, an umbrella organization of civil society and human rights groups that support the court, said in a reaction that members had been "deeply shocked and concerned" to hear of the allegations.

"The Coalition expects the court to carry out a credible and impartial investigation into the allegations and, should they prove true, ensure that all those responsible be held to account, including, if relevant, those responsible for managerial oversight of the personnel accused," it said in a statement.

The charges come at a war crimes court that has made a priority of prosecuting rape and sexual conscription in conflict zones. Sexual abuse is rife in the volatile east of Congo, and several ongoing cases stem from the region.

Warlord Bosco Ntaganda faces charges of rape and sexual enslavement and militia leader Germain Katanga is on trial for charges including rape and sexual enslavement.

The ICC, the world's first permanent war crimes tribunal, came into being in 2002 and the treaty that created it has been ratified by 121 nations. Prosecutors have so far indicted suspects in seven different countries, all of them in Africa, including Congo, Sudan, Kenya, Libya and Ivory Coast.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/hague-war-crimes-court-investigating-own-staffer-205547615.html

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From Obama the ?Action Hero? to Obama the ?Painter?: Top Scenes From Newly Released White House Picture Album

By Alan Baldwin SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Lewis Hamilton went from sick to quick at the Chinese Grand Prix on Friday only to find his tires were falling apart. The two free practice sessions marked the season debut of Pirelli's quick-wearing soft tires and, while Ferrari's Felipe Massa and Lotus found them to their liking, Hamilton was of the opposite opinion. "My tire was the worst I've ever experienced. There were bits flying off it all over the place. It didn't last long," said the Mercedes driver, who had retired to his hotel with an allergy on Thursday. ...

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/obama-action-hero-obama-painter-top-scenes-newly-012011978.html

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Indians' Carrasco suspended 8 games

CLEVELAND (AP) ? Indians starter Carlos Carrasco has been suspended eight games by Major League Baseball for hitting New York's Kevin Youkilis with a pitch.

Carrasco had just finished serving a five-game suspension for a 2011 incident when he drilled Youkilis in the fourth inning of the Yankees' 14-1 win on Tuesday, one pitch after giving up a two-run homer to Robinson Cano. Carrasco was apologetic following the game and said he didn't throw intentionally at Youkilis but slipped before hitting him in the left shoulder.

Carrasco was ejected from his first appearance since August 2011.The right-hander was suspended two years ago for throwing at Kansas City's Billy Butler and missed last season following elbow surgery.

Cleveland optioned Carrasco to Triple-A Columbus on Wednesday.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/indians-carrasco-suspended-8-games-191020276--mlb.html

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