Wednesday, October 31, 2012

New inhibitors of elusive enzymes promise to be valuable scientific tools

ScienceDaily (Oct. 31, 2012) ? Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have discovered the first selective inhibitors of an important set of enzymes. The new inhibitors, and chemical probes based on them, now can be used to study the functions of enzymes known as diacylglycerol lipases (DAGL), their products, and the pathways they regulate. Early tests in mouse macrophages suggest that DAGL-inhibiting compounds might also have therapeutic uses, for they suppress the production of a pro-inflammatory molecule that has been implicated in rheumatoid arthritis and related conditions.

"We've developed the first set of chemical probes that effectively allows one to study these DAGL enzymes in living cell and animal models," said Benjamin F. Cravatt, chairman of the Department of Chemical Physiology, professor in the Dorris Neuroscience Center and member of the Skaggs Institute for Chemical Biology at TSRI. Cravatt and his laboratory conducted the new study, published in the current issue of the journal Nature Chemical Biology.

Important But Poorly Understood

DAGL enzymes have been of interest mainly because of their role in making 2-AG (2-Arachidonoylglycerol), an important cannabinoid that is naturally produced in humans and other mammals. Cannabinoids are named for Cannabis (marijuana) plants, because they stimulate the same cellular receptors that are hit by marijuana's active ingredients. Drugs that can enhance 2-AG's signaling in the nervous system are being developed as treatments for pain, depression and anxiety.

But 2-AG exists in various tissues throughout the body, and on the whole, its functions are not well understood. Until now researchers have lacked enzyme inhibitors that can usefully probe those functions by selectively shutting off 2-AG's production. "Existing DAGL inhibitors block many other enzymes, are not very potent, and do a poor job of getting into cells," Cravatt said. "There has been a need for better chemical tools in this area."

Cravatt's laboratory had previously developed a set of compounds that act as potent inhibitors of serine hydrolases -- the broad enzyme family to which DAGL enzymes belong. In the new study, Cravatt's team, including first author Ken Hsu, a Hewitt Foundation postdoctoral researcher in the Cravatt laboratory, screened a library of these compounds for specific activity as DAGL inhibitors.

A Big Improvement

After finding a promising lead compound, Hsu and his colleagues chemically optimized it to obtain KT109 and KT172. The former selectively inhibits DAGL?, the main enzymatic producer of 2-AG outside the nervous system. KT172 inhibits both DAGL? and DAGL?, which is principally responsible for making 2-AG within the nervous system.

In a big improvement over previously described DAGL inhibitors, KT109 and KT172 are highly selective (i.e., they do not block many other, non-DAGL enzymes) and active in cells and animals. By analyzing the structures of their initial DAGL inhibitors, the team was also able to devise a new DAGL-tailored activity-based probe that binds to the active site of DAGLs and fluorescently labels these low-abundance and difficult-to-detect enzymes in cell or tissue samples. "Without the DAGL-specific probe, we would have found it very difficult to develop, optimize and confirm target engagement for our DAGL inhibitors," Hsu said.

In neuron-like mouse cells, human prostate cancer cells, and mouse liver cells and macrophages (a type of immune cell that is frequently involved in inflammatory conditions), the DAGL inhibitors were able to inactivate DAGL? activity. "At the optimal doses used, we were able to achieve selective and near-complete inhibition of the enzyme," said Hsu. In these cell and animal studies, the inhibitors also reduced levels of 2-AG as well as arachidonic acid, another bioactive lipid that DAGL enzymes can regulate.

New Questions

2-AG is known to have an anti-inflammatory effect when it activates cannabinoid receptors on macrophages. Thus, one might expect that knocking down 2-AG production with a DAGL inhibitor would have a pro-inflammatory effect. Instead, Hsu, Cravatt and their colleagues found that blocking DAGL in mouse macrophages that had been stimulated with pro-inflammatory agents markedly lowered their secretion of TNF?, a major inflammatory signaling molecule.

Blocking DAGL has potential effects on multiple lipid signaling pathways in cells, and the researchers aren't yet certain which of these effects explains the surprising suppression of TNF?. "The effect is dependent on DAGL?, though, because we see the same result in DAGL? knockout mice," said Hsu. Cravatt added that their observations of the unexpected DAGL-inhibition effects in mouse macrophages could be due to the suppression of pro-inflammatory eicosanoids that derive from downstream metabolites regulated by DAGL?.

TNF? is a key instigator of the inflammation seen in rheumatoid arthritis, and antibodies directed against TNF? are now front-line therapies for the condition. "What we've done so far is just early-stage cell biology, but conceivably the further optimization of our DAGL inhibitors could result in a new type of anti-inflammatory drug that also works against arthritis and related conditions," Cravatt said.

Cravatt and his team are now studying the pathways through which the new inhibitors have this anti-inflammatory effect. They also plan to develop new inhibitors that will selectively block DAGL? and 2-AG production in the central nervous system.

The other co-authors of the study, "DAGL? inhibition perturbs a lipid network involved in macrophage inflammatory responses," were Katsunori Tsuboi, Alexander Adibekian, Holly Pugh and Kim Masuda, all of the Department of Chemical Physiology at TSRI.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Scripps Research Institute.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Ku-Lung Hsu, Katsunori Tsuboi, Alexander Adibekian, Holly Pugh, Kim Masuda, Benjamin F Cravatt. DAGL? inhibition perturbs a lipid network involved in macrophage inflammatory responses. Nature Chemical Biology, 2012; DOI: 10.1038/nchembio.1105

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Arsenic prompts 'Pollen Allergy' product recall, Health Canada says


The product is now sold as ?Tongqiao Biyan Pian? and it has the natural product number NPN 80035736.

Photograph by: Handouts , Health Canada

OTTAWA - Health Canada says a natural health product formerly named "Pollen Allergy" is being recalled because it contains unsafe arsenic levels.

The product is now sold as "Tongqiao Biyan Pian" and it has the natural product number NPN 80035736.

Testing done by Health Canada shows the product contains arsenic at levels that exceed the department's allowable limits.

It also contains an antihistamine and acetaminophen, the pain medication in Tylenol; none of these ingredients is listed on the product's label.

Health Canada says Pollen Allergy was widely distributed to retailers in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan and the Yukon by Wing Quon Enterprises of Richmond, B.C.

Consumption of arsenic by pregnant women can lead to pre-term births, stillbirths and miscarriage while children and adults exposed to arsenic may experience stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle cramping and weakness.

Health Canada says it is monitoring the recall. It says people who have used Pollen Allergy and who are concerned about their health should contact their health-care professional.








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DRC Country Director Jobs vacancy 2012 - Jobs In Kenya - Kenyan ...

DRC Country Director Jobs vacancy 2012

Job Description

Title: Country Director, DRC

Reports To: Team Leader, Cluster 3 Africa

Organisational Context

We work in partnership with local NGOs and by supporting a number of other projects and policy influencing initiatives.

The company is among the leading NGOs promoting poverty focused strategies and programmes.

We are looking for a committed and inspirational Country Director to shape, lead and manage the vision of the Federation in DRC.

General Responsibilities

The person is expected to manage, lead and shape a vision for the organization?s DRC? by aligning the two strategies, implement the aligned country strategy to provide quality program management, policy and advocacy work as well as lead on other organizational systems to drive the needed change agenda both at national and international levels relating to DRC.

This is expected to be done in line with the established policies, principles and operating practice of the organization?s federation, as well as good management practice and the political, social, cultural & economic environment.

Specific Responsibilities

Organisational and Corporate Development

  • Implement and further develop organization?s vision, mission, philosophy and principles in line with agreed corporate strategies and organisational priorities.
  • Actively contribute to organization?s development as an international and regional organisation.
  • Maintain regular communication with the Line manager and across other staff of the organization as appropriate.
  • Provide inputs to corporate activities as and when required, including participation on task forces, training courses and conferences.

Programme Implementation

  • Lead and direct the work of the organization in accordance with sound management practice and The organization?s development policies and accountability systems.
  • Ensure it has a well balanced, well documented and cost effective programme.
  • Develop its capacity to document, disseminate and learn from development work and ensure all reporting is of the highest standard.
  • Manage and encourage co-operative relationships established with various specialist institutions and ensure that these joint initiatives conform to programme objectives.
  • Ensure all programme activities are sensitive to and responsive to changes in the political, social, and economic environments.

Financial Management & Control

  • Ensure that the control of expenditure and the disbursement of resources is in accordance with established procedures and maintain the financial and legal integrity of the organisation.
  • Provide progress and financial reports as required by the government and organization?s accountability procedures and as required by other organisations.

Human Resource Development & Management

  • Maintain effective and appropriate staff recruitment, induction, appraisal, remuneration and development practice at all levels to ensure the optimum utilisation and development of its human resources.
  • Appoint, develop and manage senior management staff. Ensure a high calibre of staff is recruited while? promoting affirmative action within the organisation in favour of women.
  • Encourage a corporate perspective amongst staff and actively promote staff exchange, secondment and development schemes, where these contribute to the meeting of the organization?s programme? objectives and priorities.

Relationship with the Government of DRC

  • Ensure that it operates within the terms and conditions of all legal agreements with the????? Government of DRC.
  • Establish, develop and maintain excellent working relationships with the Government; in particular with relevant national, provincial and district level officials.
  • Provide support to all senior managers in their dealings with officials.

Local Fundraising & Liaison with Funders/Donors

  • Ensure a regular flow of information is available to the funding departments and to donors and official funders as required by the various funding mechanisms.
  • Establish and develop working relationships with key donors and actively develop local funding sources appropriate to its resource needs.

Policy, Research & Advocacy Work

  • Encourage the development of appropriate research with a view to improving the quality of field work and influencing changes in policy to improve the quality of life for the poor.
  • Maintain sound relations with policy, research and advocacy specialists at regional and international levels.

Media Engagements

  • Develop and manage a sound relationship with all sections of the media and ensure that any published material accurately reflects the views of the organisation.
  • Establish an appropriate public image for the organization that is in keeping with its values and culture.
Emergency Preparedness

Develop and maintain appropriate contingency plans for all kinds of emergencies. Such plans to be presented for approval of the supervisor for inclusion in corporate emergency response mechanisms.

Other Requirements

Carry out other assignments as requested by the supervisor either in-country or other countries.

Internal Relationships: Line Manager, Other CDs, senior management team, & other relevant internal stakeholders.

External Relationships: Donors, government agencies, partners & other stakeholders.

Person Specification




  • Bachelor?s degree in social sciences or arts/humanities
  • At least a Masters degree in a related field


  • Membership of relevant professional institution



  • At least 15 years minimum working experience in the social development field
  • About 10 years proven track record in leading and managing institutions and development programs as well as either being part of social movements or an active member of civil society
  • At least 5 years experience in a senior management position in the development sector particularly in designing, setting up and coordinating monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment systems and processes as well as pro-poor strategies
  • In-depth understanding of programming issues and policy work at state, national and international levels
  • Sound and up to date knowledge of development concepts, methodologies and techniques including demonstrated expertise in at least one specialist development field
  • Understanding of gender issues in development and demonstrable commitment to promoting gender equity within the organisation and in programme work


  • Proven initiative, flexibility and enthusiasm in managing complex activities in a changing environment.

Skill Abilities


  • Excellent management & leadership skills
  • Excellent skills in facilitation and capacity building for inter-linkages between staff, donors, partners & stakeholders
  • Excellent conceptual, analytical, documentation and presentation skills
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills, including report writing
  • Excellent planning and prioritization skills
  • Excellent financial management skills
  • Ability to think strategically
  • Strong analytical/problem solving skills
  • Multi-tasking skills
  • Negotiation skills
  • Proficiency in English language and a familiarity with the particular country environment as it affects development strategies


  • Excellent skills in programme information management
  • Demonstrable versatility in use of IT (MS Word, Excel, Access, Power-point, e-mail, DTP packages)

Personal Qualities?


  • Demonstrable commitment to supportive team working
  • Creative and takes initiative
  • Able to work effectively in a diverse team environment
  • Ability to work collaboratively with diverse coalition, alliances as well as independently
  • Multitasking with ability to handle heavy work load and various projects in a highly challenging environment
  • Willing to work additional hours at crucial times


  • Self motivated person able to work without supervision
  • Effectively promote the organization?s mission, values, and objectives

If interested ,kindly send CV to ,with the job title as subject matter


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Crude Oil Under Pressure: It's Time to Get Long ... - Yahoo! Finance

Just three days into the first sell-off of any magnitude in months, the pain is getting spread across the board. Tech, financials and commodities are all in the cross hairs, particularly crude oil. As measured by the U.S. benchmark WTI crude oil has fallen over 7% in 3 trading days and nearly 15% in the last month.

Jeff Kilburg, CNBC contributor and founder of Killir Kapital Management says most of the damage has been done and it's time to start getting long oil. Suggesting the market started squeezing the life out of the bulls when the WTI broke the $88 - $93 a barrel range. With the bulls gone, Central Bank stimulus looming, and the perpetual risk of Middle East conflict, time favors the bulls.

"If you want to play this, do it via the USO," he says, referring to the United States Oil Fund LP ETF (USO). As an ETF, the USO isn't perfect but it's better than many in terms of tracking the movements of the underlying commodity.

"When people have no where else to put their money, they'll move it into commodities," Kilburg offers, echoing the belief of commodity bulls everywhere. Of course, Kilburg is talking his own book, not to spark a rally but because he believes in it. "I'm long crude oil currently, I want to get in some more here, and I think the USO is giving me some opportunity."

His entry point is just under $32, where the USO is trading today, with a stop at $29. Right, wrong or somewhere in the middle, you know exactly where Kilburg stands.


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Monday, October 22, 2012

London black taxi cab maker nears end of the road

(Reuters) - Manganese Bronze, maker of London's black taxi, said it is set to appoint administrators after failing to secure funding needed to survive, putting hundreds of British jobs at risk.

Manganese Bronze, whose taxis have been on British streets since 1948, had been in talks with its largest shareholders, including China's Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd, to secure a last-minute bailout.

"The issue here was not a lack of opportunity around the quantum of support being offered," Chief Executive John Russell told Reuters on Monday. "It was around the ability of Manganese Bronze, a company with a very weak balance sheet, to take on the level of debt required."

Russell said the company had discussed an injection of "tens of millions" of pounds with parties including the company's two largest shareholders, Geely and Toscafund Asset Management.

Accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers is set to be appointed as administrator.

Earlier this month, the company had said its financial position was unclear after the discovery of a safety defect in its new TX4 model that led to a recall of 400 taxis and a halt to sales.

The recall was the latest in a spate of issues that have plagued the taxi maker which coincided with market share gains by rival Eco City Vehicles's Mercedes Vito taxi. Japan's Nissan Motor Co Ltd is also due to launch its own taxi in Britain.

Manganese Bronze, based in Coventry, in central England, has failed to turn a profit since 2007. It suspended trading in its shares earlier this month.

"It's a great shame, because they (Manganese Bronze) build the best cab in the world, but it's no surprise. They never listened to the drivers," said Michael, driver of a Manganese cab in the capital for 30 years. He pointed to the cost of the vehicles (at least 37,000 pounds per car), high maintenance bills and a lack of after sales support.

"They took it for granted, were too complacent, thought we'd always go back to them and buy another cab but the drivers aren't doing that anymore."

Britain's Unite union called on the British government to support the firm and protect the 300 UK jobs at risk.

"We're hopeful that somehow or another somebody's going to be able to resurrect it, either the liquidators or someone's going to come in and take it over," said Steve MacNamara, general secretary of the Licensed Taxi Drivers Association.

"We're concerned because the black cab is a great iconic part of London."

As well as technical difficulties, Manganese has been hit by a weak economy and delays in fulfilling key orders. Manganese Bronze sold 1,502 taxis last year, 9 percent fewer than in 2010.

Earlier this year, it found a 3.9 million pound hole in its accounts causing a delay to the release of its half year results. They were eventually published late last month with the firm reporting a pretax loss of 4.6 million pounds on sales 11 percent lower than the same period a year ago.

Russell said it was still "in dialogue" with Geely after talks over funding broke down last week. "Geely will be involved in the process of administration and they will make their decision to be a part of the outcome," said Russell.

($1 = 0.6241 British pounds)

(Additional reporting by Natalie Huet and Sarah Young in London; Brenton Cordeiro in Bangalore; Editing by Supriya Kurane and Jane Merriman)


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10 most haunted houses in the US

Winchester Mystery House in San Jose, Calif., took 38 years to build and includes twisting and turning hallways, dead ends and secret panels.

By Erika Riggs, Zillow

Creaking floors, inexplicable cold drafts and eerie sounds usually don't top the list of dream house features.

Unless, of course, we're talking about dream haunted house features.

It's October, and we're forgoing the usual roundup of eye candy in favor of some cobweb-draped places most people wouldn't dare put a down payment on.

Tales of horror, glimpses of ghosts and a bevy of cobweb decor ? it's all here.

Winchester House
San Jose, Calif.
It's as if original owner Sarah Winchester wanted her home to be haunted. The eccentric widow of William Winchester, founder of Winchester rifles, held nightly seances to gain guidance from spirits and her dead husband for the home?s design. The end result? A maze-like structure that took 38 years to build and includes twisting and turning hallways, dead ends, secret panels, a window built into a floor, staircases leading to nowhere, doors that open to walls, upside-down columns and rooms built, then intentionally closed off? ? all to ward off and confuse evil spirits.

Gardette-LaPrete House
716 Dauphine St, New Orleans
This Greek revival home was the site of the one of the grisliest murders in New Orleans' history. A Turkish merchant, renting the home, was buried alive in the backyard and his harem entourage murdered. Years later, the French Quarter home is still said to be the site of the merchant's wanderings, and on certain nights, exotic music and incense from ancient parties waft from the home.

Hampton Lillibridge
507 E Saint Julian St, Savannah, Ga.
This historic home was moved to its current location in Savannah?by a local restoration expert. As work began on the house, workers reported odd noises and a male presence. Early on, they discovered a crypt on the building site half filled with water and covered it.

Despite the rumors of hauntings, the home was finished and was last on the market for $2.2 million in 2011. Although it's off the market now, there's no word of a buyer.

LaLaurie House
1140 Royal St, New Orleans
The LaLaurie House, like many haunted homes, has a pretty horrific back story. Owned by socialite Madame Delphine LaLaurie and her husband, Dr. Louis LaLaurie, the house was the reported setting for vicious cruelty against the couple's slaves. Reportedly the slaves were subjected to torturous medical experiments that went on unbeknownst to the New Orleans community until a fire broke out and? neighbors rushing to rescue discovered the gruesome scenes. The LaLauries fled the country due to the backlash, and the home passed through several owners, each who claimed to hear mysterious screams and see apparitions of the tortured slaves.

At one point actor Nicolas Cage owned the home, and while he said he never saw any ghosts, he wasn't immune to the home's sinister vibes; he lost the property to foreclosure in 2009.

Joe Mabel

Whaley House
San Diego
In 1857, an entrepreneurial Thomas Whaley took advantage of a deeply discounted property in San Diego's Old Town neighborhood that once held the area's hangings. He tore down the gallows and proceeded to build his Greek Revival brick home. However, soon after Whaley and his family moved in, they reported hearing heavy footsteps moving about the house. Even after the Whaleys moved out, various tenants reported seeing ghosts and hearing the footsteps.

Today the historic home is a museum and is open daily for tourists to see if they, too, hear and see the ghostly apparitions.

Franklin Castle
4308 Franklin Blvd, Cleveland
Franklin Castle has both a creepy history as well as a creepy exterior. Home to Hannes Tiedemann, the house was reportedly the site of many vicious murders. Built in 1864, the home has all the makings of a haunted mansion: stone tower and turrets, gargoyles and wrought-iron fencing, not to mention sounds of babies crying, doors slamming and footsteps.

According to the property history, the home was last sold for $260,000 in August 2011. No word yet, if the homeowners are having any eerie experiences.

McPike Mansion
Alton, IL
Haunted houses?? how about a whole haunted city? Alton claims to be the one of the most haunted areas in America and is home to McPike Mansion, which is host to a number of active ghosts.

There's no specific backstory to the ghostly going-ons, but visitors and residents of the brick manse have claimed to be hugged by an unseen woman, hear the laughter of children and see mysterious mists and orbs of light. As far as hauntings go, not too sinister.

Borden House
240 2nd St, Fall River, Mass.
This home was the site of one of the most infamous crimes of all time: the murders of Andrew and Abby Borden, reportedly at the hands of Andrew's daughter Lizzie. As the nursery rhyme goes, Lizzie Borden took an ax and gave both her father and step-mother whacks. However, Lizzie was acquitted and moved out of the home.

The home of the murder still stands in Fall River and operates as a bed-and-breakfast, where guests report seeing Andrew and Abby wandering about.

Myrtles Plantation
Saint Francisville, La.
An antebellum home in a voodoo-rich area of Louisiana is the likely place for a haunted home. Built in?1796, Myrtles Plantation was taken over in 1808 by Clark Woodruff, his wife, Sara, and their three children. According to legend, Woodruff had a relationship with one of his slaves, Chloe, who was jealous of Woodruff's wife. Story goes that Chloe baked a birthday cake for Sara and the kids, including poisonous oleander leaves in the treat. Sara and two of their children died. Chloe confessed, but fellow slaves retaliated, hanging Chloe and dumping her body in the Mississippi.

Chloe isn't the only ghost said to haunt Myrtles Plantation. A Civil War solider was murdered on the steps of the home, and an ancient Native American burial ground is said to beneath the house. All this adds up to a home rich in creepy incidences.

Chambers Mansion
2220 Sacramento St, San Francisco, Calif.
Like most haunted homes, there's a bit of confusion surrounding the true story behind Chambers Mansion. Built in 1887, the home was named after its first owner, silver mine tycoon Richard Chambers, who lived in the home with two nieces who reportedly hated each other.

When Chambers died in 1901, the nieces inherited the mansion. One reportedly bought the house next door and moved in while the other sister, Claudia, stayed. Claudia was discovered cut in half in the mansion one day, due to a "farm implementation" accident. However, a ghost expert has claimed that Claudia was in fact murdered, and still haunts the Pacific Heights home today.




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Sunday, October 21, 2012

My Ex Boyfriend Dumped Me But I Want Him Back, What Should I ...

My Ex Boyfriend Dumped Me But I Want Him Back, What Should I Do Now?

Things to Consider if you Want Your ex Back

You might be one of those that went through a relationship crisis which came to a turbulent end as your boyfriend dumped you.

You may still feel that there is still something you both have together and can still have together and you are wondering how you can get your ex boyfriend back. There are some things you might have to consider if you really want your ex boyfriend who dumped you back.


Your ex boyfriend dumped you and you want him back, you may have to consider your motive for wanting him back. Being dumped does a lot of things to a person?s psyche the way we react to it may vary. You may have to sort through the emotions you are going through and really get to understand your motive for wanting him back.

Some who want their ex who dumped them back do it solely out of guilt, revenge, pride, arrogance or any other reason that negates them having a healthy relationship even if they do get back.

You might want to compensate for a fault especially if you think that the reason your ex boyfriend dumped you was all due to you. There is a greater tendency to over compensate when you are looking to compensate for a perceived fault in any given relationship.

Being dumped is embarrassing and while we at it; actually stigmatizing so you have really got to sort out why you want to have your ex boyfriend who dumped you back.

Self Improvement

You are now set on the course of getting your ex who dumped you back; one area you have to consider is self improvement. There may be issues in your life that you might need to deal with and we are looking at the areas that are closely connected with the reason why your ex may have dumped you in the first place.

Are there things about you that directly caused the fallout in the first place? Are those things still there? If they are, common sense suggests that you might have a very hard time trying to get your ex boyfriend who dumped you back.

You may have to see how you can deal with it before attempting to get your ex back because even by some chance you do get him back and they are still there, they might just cause another break up that might be impossible to fix.

It is usually difficult to see one? fault let alone deal with them so you might need a friend to help you with it. A friend might help you in the area of identifying it. Once you come to accept it as an issue you have to deal with, you are already half way there and if you can be open about it with your ex, he might be willing to join hands with you and help you deal with it.

It won?t be an easy task to get back with an ex-boyfriend who dumped you but if you are ready to be open and sincere with dealing with the issues that cause the separation in the first place, it won?t be an impossible task to accomplish.


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Iran and US can agree on one thing: There are no direct talks planned

Iran's foreign minister echoed White House denials that the two countries are scheduled to have direct bilateral negotiations on Iran's nuclear program.

By Yeganeh Torbati,?Reuters / October 21, 2012

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks to a gathering at the University of Havana, in Havana, Cuba, in January. The White House and the Iranian government say they are prepared to talk one-on-one to find a diplomatic settlement to the impasse over Tehran's reported pursuit of nuclear weapons, but there's no specific meeting date right now.

Franklin Reyes/AP/File


Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Iran?followed the United States on Sunday in denying that the two countries had scheduled direct bilateral negotiations on?Iran's controversial nuclear program.

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The New York Times, quoting unnamed US administration officials, had said on Saturday that secret exchanges between US and Iranian officials had yielded agreement "in principle" to hold one-on-one talks.

"We don't have any discussions or negotiations with America," Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi told a news conference. "The [nuclear] talks are ongoing with the P5+1 group of nations. Other than that, we have no discussions with the United States."

The P5+1 group comprises the permanent members of the UN Security Council - the United States, Britain, China, France, and Russia - plus Germany.

The United States has been working with the P5+1 to pressure Iran?on its nuclear program, but with few results. The United States and other Western powers allege that the program is aimed at developing nuclear weapons, but Tehran says it is purely peaceful.

White house denies

The White House also denied the newspaper report, which came two days before President Barack Obama faces Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney in a televised foreign policy debate.

"It's not true that the United States and?Iran have agreed to one-on-one talks or any meeting after the American elections," US National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor said in a statement.

"We continue to work with the P5+1 on a diplomatic solution and have said from the outset that we would be prepared to meet bilaterally."


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For Mars rover Curiosity, at last, it's dinnertime. On the menu: dirt.

It's period of painstaking preparations over, the Mars rover Curiosity has at long last ingested a sample of soil for analysis by its on-board chemistry lab. That's what it came 352 million miles for.

By Pete Spotts / October 18, 2012

This photo taken Oct. 15, shows part of the small pit or bite created when Mars rover Curiosity collected its second scoop of Martian soil at a sandy patch called 'Rocknest.' The bright particle near the center of this image was assessed by the mission's science team to be native Martian material rather than spacecraft debris.

Courtesy of JPL-Caltech/MSSS/NASA/AP


After 70 days on Mars, NASA's rover Curiosity finally is doing what it's paid the big bucks to do: Eat dirt.

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In a mission where progress so far is being measured in an excruciating series of baby steps, the rover has for the first time moved a soil sample from the Martian surface to CheMin ? one of two mini laboratories inside Curiosity's chassis that are expected to reveal the minerals that comprise the red planet's ubiquitous dust.

Such a seemingly simple feat has been a long time coming, notes John Grotzinger, a planetary geologist at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena and the Mars Science Laboratory's project scientist.

Researchers have measured soil properties beginning with the Viking landers in the mid 1970s and with each lander since ? each in different locations. This has yielded the observation that "there's something about the soil so far that's been very generic to Mars," he says.

"What's really exciting about this sample that just got dumped into CheMin" and later will be scrutinized by a second lab package on the rover "is that they are going to be able to analyze once and for all the mineral composition" of this material "that swirls around the planet," he says.

It's the first test of CheMin's ability to uncover the elements in the soil grains and identify minerals in them following the rover's 352-million-mile, nearly nine-month journey to Mars. The mission's goal is to determine if Gale Crater and its towering, central Mt. Sharp could have hosted microbial life early in the planet's history.

Central to that task is the ability to deliver samples to CheMin and the second internal lab package, SAM. SAM analyzes gases from the atmosphere and from heated samples of soil and rock to hunt for organics that would signal a hospitable ancient habitat.

To that end, engineers have spent the last two weeks gathering two scoops full of soil to scrub out the inside of the sample delivery system, removing any remaining contaminants from Earth.

The first scrubbing session went well. But engineers aborted the delivery system's second silty "bath" when images of the depression the scoop left in the soil revealed a small, shiny fleck that reminded the team of what it previously dubbed "shmutz" ? loose bits of plastic that came from the rover itself.

The sample-delivery system, known as CHIMRA, might not take kindly to ingesting a bit of rover detritus as part of the cleaning process. So, wary that the soil in the scoop itself might hide another piece of shmutz, the team dumped the soil and took a closer look at the shiny fleck in the depression.

After some scientific chin-scratching, a strong consensus emerged among the science team that the fleck actually originated on Mars, Grotzinger says. In a stroke, the fleck shifted from an object of concern to an object of scientific interest.

Sometime in the next few days, the science team will reposition the rover so it can use ChemCam, atop the rover's mast, to zap the fleck with its laser and figure out what it's made of, Dr. Grotzinger says.

The fleck is only about 1 millimeter across. Reseachers speculate that it could be a tiny chip of mineral cleaved by the wind-driven movement of pebbles at the site. Or it could represent a mineral that formed naturally in the space between larger grains of sand and soil.

"It probably represents a science opportunity rather than an engineering threat," Grotzinger said at a briefing Thursday.

Once the team put the fleck on its scientific agenda, it finished up the housekeeping chores with a third scoopful of soil that is now working its way through CheMin. SAM could see its first sample next week.

"The most important thing about our mobile laboratory is that it eats dirt; that's what we live on," Grotzinger says.

And with confirmation that the latest sample has been safely delivered to CheMin, Curiosity's engineers and scientist can now bid the rover bon appetit.


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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Listening To: "From Russia with Love" - John ... - Tv Food and Drink

A good ninety percent of my time spent in the kitchen is accompanied by the music from five time Oscar winner, John Barry. ?In fact, as I type these words, the music from the Fort Knox raid scene in Goldfinger is pumping through my living room.

Barry?s first two Oscar wins were for Best Original Score and Best Original Song, both from the 1966 film, Born Free. ?That was followed by three more wins for Best Score with?The Lion in Winter (1968),?Out of Africa (1985) and?Dances with Wolves (1990). ?Additionally, Barry provided the score for nearly a hundred other films, including Midnight Cowboy, Somewhere in Time, Body Heat, The Cotton Club, Peggy Sue Got Married and?Chaplin.

Most importantly (to me anyway), Barry scored eleven of the James Bond films and defined the musical style that still dominates the 007 series to this day. ?Although Barry is not credited with wrtiting the ?James Bond Theme? itself, he claims that it was he, in fact, who penned it when the producers found the original arrangement by Monty Norman unsatisfactory. ?And while Norman has won multiple libel suits over the years upholding his claim on the theme, no composer is more closely associated with the Bond film series than John Barry.


Barry?s first full Bond score was for 1962?s From Russia with Love, the second in the series. That was followed directly by Goldfinger, Thunderball, You Only Live Twice, On Her Majesty?s Secret Service and Diamonds Are Forever. In the seventies, Barry took charge of The Man with the Golden Gun and Moonraker, followed in the eighties by Octopussy, A View to a Kill, and his final Bond outing, The Living Daylights.

There is no 007 score from John Barry that disappoints. From the brassy boldness of the early Connery films to the more romantic and lush scores for the Roger Moore and Timothy Dalton eras, they all deliver as moving pieces of music that stand on their own. Check out From Russia with Love below, one of my favorite Barry compositions, with additional organ accompaniment by Alan Haven, and along with Goldfinger, the quintessential title sequence for a Bond film.


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Tags: 007, Alen Haven, Daniela Bianchi, Daniela Bianchi From Russia With Love, From Russia with Love, From Russia with Love Albert Broccoli Harry Saltzman, From Russia with love film, From Russia with love Girl fight, From Russia with Love Ian Fleming, Ian Fleming, James Bond, John Barry, John Barry From Russia with Love, Lotte Lenya, Lotte Lenya From Russia with Love, Matt Monroe From Russia with Love, Robert Brownjohn From Russia with Love credits, Sean Connery

Posted in Music 1 week, 2 days ago at 6:44 am. 3 comments


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Donated human stool safely and effectively treats c. difficile infections, study suggests

ScienceDaily (Oct. 19, 2012) ? A novel therapy that uses donated human stool to treat the deadly and contagious C.difficile infection is safe and highly effective, according to a Henry Ford Hospital study.

Researchers found that 43 of 49 patients recovered swiftly after treatment and had no adverse complications from C.diff three months later. Treatment is performed either through a nasogastric tube or colonscopy on an outpatient or inpatient basis.

Mayur Ramesh, M.D., a Henry Ford Infectious Diseases physician and senior author of the study, says the treatment, while appearing unconventional, has striking results.

"More than 90 percent of the patients in our study were cured of their C.diff infection," says Dr. Ramesh. "This treatment is a viable option for patients who are not responding to conventional treatment and who want to avoid surgery."

The study was presented October 19 at the annual Infectious Diseases Society of America meeting in San Diego.

In their study, researchers evaluated 49 patients who contracted Clostridium difficile, or C.diff, a germ that causes diarrhea and other intestinal problems and is linked to 14,000 deaths annually. Symptoms include water diarrhea, fever, loss of appetite, nausea and abdominal pain and tenderness. C.diff occurs in patients taking antibiotics, and can spread from person-to-person contact or from touching contaminated equipment and objects like door knobs.

Patients with a C.diff infection are typically treated with the antibiotics metronidazole or vancomycin. However, surgery could be required to remove the infected part of the intestines. In its study, Henry Ford treated patients between May 2010 and June 2012 with a therapy called intestinal microbiota transplantation (IMT), using donated stool from a healthy family member.

Dr. Ramesh says the healthy stool, when mixed with warm tap water and administered, helps to re-establish the normal intestinal flora in the patient's gastrointestinal tract. Intestinal flora is healthy bacteria that stimulates the immune system and aids the digestion and absorption of food.

"Patients who receive treatment through a nasogastric tube don't taste or smell the stool mixture as it's administered," Dr. Ramesh says. "Patients often resume their diet within a couple hours and are feeling better within 24 hours."

Of the 49 patients, 43 fully recovered, four died of causes unrelated to C.diff, one had intestinal surgery and one had no improvement.

The study was funded by Henry Ford Hospital.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Henry Ford Health System.

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Friday, October 19, 2012

Accountants and bookkeepers key to Digital Economy | Xero ...

Over the past six months, we?ve been in close contact with Australia?s Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy (DBCDE). As we?ve grown exponentially in Australia, Minister Conroy?s department has shown increasing interest in our leadership role in the uptake of cloud technologies amongst SMEs.

So it was an honour to be invited to attend the Prime Minister?s Forum on the Digital Economy in Sydney, where 40 business leaders presented to Prime Minister Julia Gillard.

Taking the stand, the first part of my pitch to the government was to highlight the opportunity to engage accountants and bookkeepers as a potential channel to reach and educate small businesses on the merits of cloud computing and the NBN. In the same way that Xero has been able to grow our business, I wanted to highlight the critical role that the accounting advisor can play in small business. Here is my appearance in the video (9 minutes) or you can watch the original full length video:

I then urged the government to increase investment in development of web services across the many government departments that small business owners need to engage with, rather than simply building compliance websites.

A?report only last week from the Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry on the red tape requirements of SMEs (Small & Medium Enterprises), confirmed that nearly half of all small business owners in Australia are spending up to 5 hours on compliance based activities each week.

The SME sector represents 46% of the nation?s GDP, so streamlining compliance through seamless data flows between government and business software providers like Xero could have a profoundly positive impact on productivity and hence Australia?s economy.

Finally, I urged the government to follow the lead of the NZ and UK in developing a Code of Practice for cloud companies. This is all about ensuring a minimum set of disclosures and standards to help raise the bar on providers in this space. Consumers and businesses need to have assurances about moving to the cloud. It is our belief that a government backed framework supported and adhered to by all industry providers would go a long way to seeing cloud computing in this country grow and thrive.

Next steps

There was overwhelming consensus that the day was a success and that significant investment in broadband infrastructure is needed in Australia to ensure the growth in our digital economy and position us to be competitive globally.

All participants had an opportunity to have their say and the number of ideas and ground covered will pose a challenge to the government in using this to help shape policy. At the very least, they?ve now heard from industry.

Julia Gillard was engaging and often quite charming in her summations. At the conclusion of the day she highlighted four key initiatives that she believed were key takeaways that the government would need to act upon:

  • Skills: The immediate need to address Australia?s skills pipeline in ICT and ensuring that we attract and develop more talent into this sector;
  • Teleworking: Continued efforts to drive teleworking with the aim to have 12% of workforce teleworking for at least one day per week by 2020
  • Cloud computing: Development of a comprehensive cloud computing strategy for small and medium business with industry and government participation
  • Cyber whitepaper: The expansion of a cyber whitepaper that is currently in the pipeline to include more digital themes around education, skills and the fostering of ecosystems

From my perspective, the day was of huge value and offered real promise to the cloud computing industry in Australia. The Australian government is well aware of the ?Cloud-First? strategy that the US Government has adopted and the dialogue throughout the day would certainly indicate that they are keen to find ways to better support the industry.

Xero will continue to be at the table to promote our views on how to promote cloud computing into the SME sector and we see a critical role for our partners in making this happen.




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Implications of HIPAA Non-Compliance | Computers and Technology

Internet and Technology | Computers and Technology | * Written by Martin | Thursday, 18 October 2012 02:18 | Word Count: 487

To protect patient health information (PHI) from access by unauthorized entities, The Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was enacted. With the advancement in technology, patient data has now become extensively digitized. Hence, it has become important to safeguard the privacy of patient health information. All medical providers have to adhere to the data protection regulation if they fit the definition of a covered entity.

"Covered entity" under the HIPAA Privacy Rule, include health plans, health care clearinghouses, and health care providers that transmit health information electronically. Covered entities under the HIPAA Privacy Rule must comply with the Rule's requirements for safeguarding the privacy of protected health information.

Hence, HIPAA compliance is a necessity in today?s environment as non-compliance brings risks of fines, prison, & lawsuits that can impact either individuals or corporate entities. As part of the HIPAA Act, the federal government has established a tiered civil penalty structure for HIPAA violations, the details of which are given below.?

? If the individual did not know (and by exercising reasonable diligence would not have known) that he/she violated HIPAA, then the individual faces a minimum penalty of $100 per violation, with an annual maximum of $25,000 for repeat violations and a maximum penalty of $50,000 per violation, with an annual maximum of $1.5 million.
? If the HIPAA violation is due to reasonable cause and not due to willful neglect then the individual faces a minimum penalty of $1,000 per violation, with an annual maximum of $100,000 for repeat violations and a maximum penalty of $50,000 per violation, with an annual maximum of $1.5 million.
? If the HIPAA violation is due to willful neglect and if the violation is corrected within the stipulated time period then the individual faces a minimum penalty of $10,000 per violation, with an annual maximum of $250,000 for repeat violations and a maximum penalty of $50,000 per violation, with an annual maximum of $1.5 million.
? If the HIPAA violation is due to willful neglect and is not corrected then the individual faces a minimum penalty of $50,000 per violation, with an annual maximum of $1.5 million and a maximum penalty of $50,000 per violation, with an annual maximum of $1.5 million.
Apart from penalties, the individual also faces imprisonment that can range from one year to five years in prison.

In such circumstances, medical practitioners and health care providers need to take all possible measures to ensure HIPAA compliance. And the most possible means to ensure compliance with HIPAA and HITECH Acts is by deploying an automated compliance management solution to spot errors in processes or systems and to prevent small problems escalating into large ones. Thus with such a solution, healthcare organizations can ensure implementation of appropriate controls and safeguards to prevent unauthorized access and disclosure of sensitive patient data.


Read more on - IT compliance and security, vendor management


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Author of this article: Martin.

Martin joined FAFY - Free Article For You on Thursday, 11 August 2011.

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Thursday, October 18, 2012

E-commerce Enables Numerous Businesses To Extend Their Arms ...

You are here: Home / General / E-commerce Enables Numerous Businesses To Extend Their Arms In The International Market To Catch Customers From All Over The Globe

E-commerce enables numerous businesses to extend their arms in the international market to catch customers from all over the globe. It aims at getting acceptance from the people with various cultural and conventional backgrounds. E-commerce has been a useful service for each the customers and companies. Businesses get the benefit of controlling various bodies in an organizational process like finance, inventory, technology and so on. Customers, on the other hand, require not to transfer from their places and can buy the goods with a click of the mouse. E-commerce services requires careful designing of architecture so as to provide a simple, user-pleasant application yet powerful sufficient to carry out safe data processing and transactions between numerous nodes. Some best considered methods which ought to be deployed while developing an e-commerce application are: E-commerce software ought to collaborate with the gateway supplier to support multiple currencies. The intent of an e-commerce application to offer home shopping experience to international consumer. So, the developing software should be designed to assistance not only a single valued forex but numerous currencies. Currency converter should be supplied to aid customers. It is not always necessary that the visitor purchasing a product would always be nicely-informed with the inventory exchange census. Clients ought to know how much they are investing for the product they are purchasing in their currency. Safety parameters should be carefully researched and associated security measures should be engaged in the software. Most common and efficient safety measure is the SSL certificate which ensures the authenticity of the software and to securely transfer information between browser and merchant?s server. Stress testing should be conducted on the application correctly to make sure the balance of the software below intense load circumstances. An software crash throughout connecting to payment gateway whilst making a payment will not be a appealing occasion. Memory administration of the software ought to be efficient sufficient to allocate the run-time memory with out leaving any chunk of storage unused. It should also free the memory when the session expires so as to allocate it to some other thread or consumer trying to connect. It is a big NO-NO for e-commerce applications to shop the monetary information of the consumer. Chances are there when a hacker may intrude the security firewall of the merchant?s server and try to entry the client?s information. If this kind of info would be present in the merchant?s database, hacker would extract that info and would use it for selfish purposes. Stock updating method should be concerned in the entrance-finish of the software. It would not be appreciated if a customer purchases a product, tends to make all the transactions and suddenly, the administrator on the other finish will get to know that the commodity is out of inventory. It would not only hamper the track record of the merchant but the company coverage would also be compromised.

User interface simplicity also adds to the advantage for the software in the long run. If the application is developed with the problem of keeping a easy user interface, it?s heading to make with positive user critiques and their experience with the website. Browsing a complex website is not what a consumer expects whilst buying online. This depends on the technologies deployed by the software program product development company.

Kevin James is the author of this article. He has been writing articles for iphone development companies like Q3 Systems. Moreover, he has been supplying helpful content material writing materials associated to Offshore Software program Development.

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News | Children???s Hospital Gets A Sign | Lehigh Valley Health ...

October 18th, 2012 by Matthew Burns

It?s official. The new Children?s Hospital sign is now up at Lehigh Valley Hospital?Cedar Crest. Next time you travel by the hospital on Interstate 78, be sure to check it out. Lehigh Valley Health Network has been recognized as a children?s hospital since becoming a member of the National Association of Children?s Hospitals and Related Institutions (NACHRI), now the Children?s Hospital Association (CHA), in 2006. There are 71 general pediatricians and 81 pediatric specialists on staff.? Inpatient pediatric services include 111 licensed beds for general pediatrics, pediatric intensive care, neonatal intensive care and adolescent psychiatry. Children can receive care as an outpatient in the only Children?s ER in the region, the pediatric ambulatory surgery center at Lehigh Valley Hospital?Muhlenberg in Bethlehem, pediatric outpatient infusion area, and the pediatric sleep center at Lehigh Valley Hospital?17th Street.

Tags: Children's Care


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KSM, 2 other Gitmo defendants don't show in court

GUANTANAMO BAY NAVAL BASE, Cuba (AP) ? Three Sept. 11 defendants took a judge up on his offer to let them skip their military tribunal Tuesday and the proceedings went on without them. The Guantanamo detainees won a new request to return to court in camouflage clothing if they wanted.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the self-professed 9/11 mastermind, was not in the courtroom while attorneys delved into a dense debate on legal motions, including rules for handling classified evidence at trial and what kind of clothing would be allowed.

Only two of the five defendants made it to court for the second day of the weeklong hearing. Mohammed, Saudi defendant Mustafa Ahmad al-Hawsawi and Pakistani national Ali Abd al-Aziz Ali ? Mohammed's nephew ? all stayed away.

The presiding judge, Army Col. James Pohl, ruled Monday that the defendants didn't have to attend the hearing every day this week, although he said they would have to attend their formal trial and may need to attend future hearings.

Mohammed was taken from his cell at the U.S. base in Cuba to a holding cell outside the courtroom, then chose to boycott at the last minute, said a Navy officer whose name was not released by the court for security reasons.

The 47-year-old Mohammed, who has previously said he conceived and orchestrated the Sept. 11 attacks, gave no reason for sitting out the hearing. But on Monday, he dismissed the military tribunal with scorn, saying "I don't think there is any justice in this court."

Authorities have portrayed the other defendants as Mohammed's underlings, who provided logistical and other help to the Sept. 11 hijackers. All five face the same charges, which include terrorism and murder, in what is considered one of the most significant terror prosecutions in U.S. history. They all could get the death penalty if convicted at a trial that is at least a year away.

Al-Hawsawi and al-Aziz Ali didn't provide any reason for their absence, but a lawyer for al-Aziz Ali had said on Monday that his client's father had recently died in Kuwait and he was grieving for him.

In attendance were Walid bin Attash, a Yemeni who grew up in Saudi Arabia, and Ramzi Binalshibh, another Yemeni who was originally chosen to be one of the hijackers but couldn't get a U.S. visa to enter the country. Both sat through the hearing without incident, apparently following the proceedings.

Prosecutors had argued the rules for the special wartime tribunals known as military commissions require defendants to attend all court sessions, and said the defendants' presence would ensure the proceedings are legitimate. But lawyers for the men said the threat of forcible removal from their cells would be psychologically damaging for men who had been brutalized while held by the CIA in secret overseas prisons before being taken to Guantanamo in September 2006.

The judge granted another concession to the defendants Tuesday, giving them more freedom to choose what they wear in court.

Mohammed and bin Attash had wanted to wear camouflage clothing in the courtroom at their May arraignment, apparently to portray themselves as soldiers, but the prison commander refused to allow it. The judge ruled they could wear some camouflage items as long as they were not U.S. military uniforms.

Mohammed wants to dress like a "prisoner of war," said his lawyer, Army Capt. Jason Wright, and should be allowed to "wear the same type of uniform he wore while fighting for the U.S.-supported Mujahedeen in Afghanistan and in Bosnia," he said.

Defense lawyers have said that the clothing restrictions had been a factor that led to their protest at their May arraignment, when the men ignored the judge's questions and wouldn't use the court's translation system. This week, the men have all appeared in traditional loose fitting traditional tunics, vests and hats that they chose to wear.

The judge also began hearing arguments Tuesday on a protective order, a set of rules for handling classified evidence that the defense and other critics say are overly broad.

Protective orders are standard in civilian and military trials, and prosecutors say the one proposed for the Sept. 11 trial is necessary to prevent the release of classified secrets and protect national security.

But defense lawyers say the rule would make it harder for them to introduce the men's own accounts of the conditions of their captivity during the several years they each spent in CIA-run overseas prisons, where they were subjected to what the government calls "enhanced interrogation techniques" that included being tied up in uncomfortable "stress positions," forced nudity, sleep deprivation and the simulated drowning technique known as waterboarding.

The protective order contains provisions to censor or close proceedings that appear to violate constitutional protections for the right to open trials and will undermine the public's confidence in the military tribunals, said David Schulz, a lawyer for a coalition of media organizations that includes The Associated Press.

"The public right has a constitutional right to know what is being done in its name in this tribunal," Schulz said.

The judge did not rule on the issue; testimony was scheduled to continue on Wednesday.

Mohammed and his four co-defendants face charges that include terrorism, conspiracy and 2,976 counts of murder in violation of the law of war, one count for each known victim of the Sept. 11 attacks at the time the charges were filed.


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